Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Knee Pain

I have been a little bit nervous over the last couple of days. My left knee has had a sharp stinging pain on the side of my kneecap. It hasn't been a constant pain but when it is there I can't ignore it. Tonight it was bothering me while I was on the treadmill so after 40 minutes I switched to the elliptical machine. Wow. I had a great work out and my knee stopped hurting. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and then did a 5 minute cool down on the treadmill. Man, I like that machine. I worked up quite a sweat. On Saturday, I made up one of the two hours I was behind by spending two hours on the treadmill. I am planning on doing the next one on Wednesday evening.

My diet still sucks. My body is changing though.


  1. I am glad you changed to the elliptical rather than just quitting. That pain does seem to be related to some movement pattern since is changed when you moved to the other machine.

    The elliptical does help eliminate the impact that you might be getting on the treadmill.

    We can reform our bodies with little change in the scale.

    Stay strong,


  2. Just remember the diet is only one meal away from being great. It is just making the next right decision not about the last decision we made.

    I agree about the elliptical. I have to vary my running schedule with some off days on the stair climber or elliptical just to give the knees a break. You may want to really think about stretching before and after the hour workout -- especially the hips, hams, and the quads.

    I was a basket case of knee pain before I started stretching (I hate stretching but will do if it prevents that stabbing pain).
